Sunday, August 29, 2010

Here We Go!!!!!!!!

Well I gotta keep this really short cause I need to get somewhere soon but I'll just quickly go over what's been going on.

I'm here, I'm mostly moved into my dorm. I love my roommates, suit mates, and all the other girls (there's only eleven of us so I had better like them all). I have a really cool dorm we have cathedriel ceilings and my lounge has huge windows going all the way up to the ceiling (which overlook the lake). So basically we have an awesome dorm.

Yesterday we went out on the lake and got to do all kinda of stuff. I went wake boarding but there was also tubing and swimming and stuff like that.

I think I know all of the other students names by now. I'm a little confused about these two guys just because they are identical twins so nobody really knows which is which, but I think I almost have it :-) but with only 24 students it should be pretty easy to get everyone straight.

Well I gotta go now, sorry I couldn't go into more detail about anything, but hopefully I'll have more time later.

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