Saturday, November 13, 2010

The whole Semester In A Few Sentences.

we played extreme spoons in the skate park.
from one of our spontaneous walks.
Our Halloween costumes. we were crayons.
We were actors at a haunted house.
Mountain biking trip.
Crazy dress night.
Hayward high homecoming. Tara, Jess, me, and Austin.
Pic's from another crazy walk.
HANNAH!!!! <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">At lake superior.
Me, Tara, and and Jenna. Love them both so much.
My boundary waters group.
Me cliff jumping.
We go in these crazy 3+ hour walks where we get ourselves really lost. Somehow we always make it back in time for dinner though.
Sliding down the skateboard ramps in the rain.
our crazy clothes to go kayaking in.

Well it's been a really really really long time I know. and to update you on the last few months would take a really long time so I'm just gonna show you some pic's of the highlights and maybe later I will get into everything in greater detail.

For the most part everything has been amazing. I am learning so much and I am being challenged. I love it here. I am learning so much in class and out. It's crazy I never expected to grow so much in such a short amount of time.

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