Sunday, August 29, 2010

Here We Go!!!!!!!!

Well I gotta keep this really short cause I need to get somewhere soon but I'll just quickly go over what's been going on.

I'm here, I'm mostly moved into my dorm. I love my roommates, suit mates, and all the other girls (there's only eleven of us so I had better like them all). I have a really cool dorm we have cathedriel ceilings and my lounge has huge windows going all the way up to the ceiling (which overlook the lake). So basically we have an awesome dorm.

Yesterday we went out on the lake and got to do all kinda of stuff. I went wake boarding but there was also tubing and swimming and stuff like that.

I think I know all of the other students names by now. I'm a little confused about these two guys just because they are identical twins so nobody really knows which is which, but I think I almost have it :-) but with only 24 students it should be pretty easy to get everyone straight.

Well I gotta go now, sorry I couldn't go into more detail about anything, but hopefully I'll have more time later.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time to Say Goodbye :-(

Well in 7 hours I will be off. I can't believe how fast the past 6.5 months have gone (how long it's been since I decided to go to WWC). It's crazy.
These past few weeks I've had to say a lot of goodbyes and through that I've realized how blessed I really am. I have so many amazing people in my life who are so supportive of me and I don't deserve it. I am so grateful to each and every one of you, thanks for always being there for me and being such amazing people. I have learned a lot from you as well, I pray to God that one day I can become more like the people who have made such an impact on me.
So I guess this is goodbye. I will miss you all so much. Please keep me updated on everything that's going on in all of your lives. I can't promise that I will get to write back much because I don't know how much free time I will have yet, but I will try. Love you all. See you in December.
Until then,

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, August 16, 2010

One Week and Two Days Left

Well I seem to be on my way to being ready to go. I ordered all my books for the fall semester today (a grand total of $71.58). I have almost finished packing everything up (although my room is a disaster). All that seems to be left to do is buy a laptop (which is already underway I just haven't clicked "place order" yet).

I still haven't decided how I feel about leaving to go to college over 1,000 miles away yet. Sometimes I am really excited but other times I just want my last week and two days to go really really slowly. It will be a different experience to be sure, I am excited for everything that I'm gonna learn (in class and out) but until I get a little more used to it it's gonna be hard. Basicly I am really excited for after the uncomfortable "new" things have become a little more familiar and "comfortable". Not that I wanna be comfortable cause by now I've learned that that harder things are the better they are for me. So I guess you could say that I am excited, but at the same time I know it's gonna be hard so that keeps me from getting too excited.

Friday, August 13, 2010

One More Thing

I forgot to add that I will not have a camera with me this year :-( I am really really sad about this but I'll try to make the best of it. I will however try to add some photos that my fellow students take...but no promises.


Hey everyone, many of you have asked me to keep you updated on my year in Wisconsin, so I decided the easiest way to do this would be to start a blog. I'll try to keep up with it but depending on how busy I am (or how much fun I'm having) I might not update it too often, in which case I will keep you updated next time I see you ;-).